Thursday, June 16, 2011

Meet Your Waterloo Ambassador!


Bernardo first became involved with Muscular Dystrophy Canada after registering as a client in 1996. He wanted to know how to keep up to date with muscular dystrophy issues and was pointed in the direction of Muscular Dystrophy Canada. Bernardo wanted to bring awareness and visibility to the cause and disorders and wanted to be involved. He was extremely happy to get the call in December 2009 to help organize the first Waterloo Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy.

When asked about how the Walk event benefits the community, Bernardo commented “The Walk benefits the community as it creates awareness that Muscular Dystrophy is in fact part of our community, that we start putting faces to the cause within the community, and that there are individuals that need our support or will need our support in the future.”

As the Waterloo Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy is still a new event, Bernardo is excited about brainstorming different ways to promote the event with the Waterloo Region Volunteer Planning Committee and to expand the event. He is very proud to be the Chair Person for the Waterloo Region Planning Committee and is thrilled to be this year’s Waterloo Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy Ambassador.

Thank you to Bernardo for his continued dedication and support.

You can help Bernardo and Muscular Dystrophy Canada make muscles move by visiting to donate or join the walk! Or you can just show up to Waterloo Park on Saturday June 18 at 10 am to register. We hope to see you there!

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