Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meet Your Walk Ambassador Halton Region!

The 2011 Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy is on May 15th and is our 3rd walk of the season! This family friendly event wants to get you out to walk, wheel, roll or run either 1 km or 5 km in support of those living with neuromuscular disorders in your community and across the country. Visit www.muscle.ca/walk to sign up or give a donation.

When you come out to the walk you will get to meet so many wonderful people, like Halton Region's Walk Ambassador Laura Lee!

Laura became involved with the first Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy last year. It was a good way to become more involved in the community. “Having a disability, it’s easy to become isolated. To have goal to work towards and to be part of a team is really inspiring.”

Laura was officially diagnosed with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease at age 12. With the official diagnosis, Laura has expanded her network and has been in contact with others who also have CMT all over the world. Her philosophy “It’s great to be a part of something and meet new people. You never know what you can make happen.”

Laura has been actively spreading the word about this year’s Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy through her network, social media channels and of course word of mouth. “The more awareness we get the more we’re all going to benefit from it.” Reflecting on last year’s event “To have the day arrive and see all the hard work come together, it’s incredible. You meet all sorts of amazing people and get inspired.”

Laura loves the fact that the Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy allows for the community to join together and raise awareness of neuromuscular disorders. “The people who attend have all different levels of mobility all with the same goal of doing the Walk. We’re going to do it, we’re going to do it our way and we’re proud of it. That is so inspiring. It helps lift an entire community.”

Thank you Laura for your continued support and for being this year’s Halton Region Walk for Muscular Dystrophy Ambassador!

Together, we will make muscles move!

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