Team Kenti has been involved with the Walk for Muscular Dystrophy in Ontario since the start. In an unlikely meeting, Team Captain Jan met a member of Muscular Dystrophy Canada and learned about the event and the rest is history!
Over the past three years, Team Kenti has not only grown in members but also in fundraising. Last year the Team decided to hold their first pre Walk for Muscular Dystrophy fundraising event and were met with tremendous success!
The Team organized an afternoon of live music, food, prize raffle and 50:50 draw. Nearly all of the entry fees went to support Muscular Dystrophy Canada as well as all of the money raised at the event. Team Kenti entertained nearly 60 people at their event and raised a whopping $4,000!
So what is their motivation? Team Kenti walks in honour of their son/brother/nephew/cousin Kent, who sadly passed away in 2007. The fundraiser is an opportunity to introduce Kent and muscular dystrophy to the community and their sponsors. Jan puts it well “Our fundraiser and the Walk for Muscular Dystrophy puts a face on the disease and educates the public about muscular dystrophy and the trials and tribulations children [and adults] and their families go through living with muscular dystrophy.”
Team Kenti is already gearing up for another amazing year! The fundraiser preparations are well on their way and the team will be back in action at Walk for Muscular Dystrophy again this year.
We would like to thank Team Kenti for their continued support and look forward to seeing them at the Walk again this year!
To sign up for the Walk for Muscular Dystrophy and to check out our new fundraising tips, visit our website at
Together, we can make muscles move!